SQL Server Dedicated Hosting, Secure Windows Hosting SQL Server

SQL Server dedicated hosting involves the allocation of an entire server exclusively for running Microsoft SQL Server. This dedicated environment ensures that server resources are not shared with other users, providing optimal conditions for SQL Server databases to operate efficiently.
SQL Server Dedicated Server Hosting

Choose Your SQL Server Hosting Plans

High-performance SSD-powered VPS and dedicated servers for managed Microsoft SQL Server database hosting services.
SQL Server Cloud Hosting

SQL Server Cloud Hosting

Managed SQL Server database on cloud dedicated docker container with friendly control panel. Good for small & medium databases.

$ 4.99 /m

SQL Server Windows VPS

SQL Server Windows VPS

Install SQL Server database on dedicated Windows virtual server with high flexibility and admin access. Good for growing business.

$ 7.99 /m

Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated Server Hosting

Industry-level performance and security are ensured with dedicated servers, making them ideal for large databases and DBM experts.

$ 45.00 /m

Why Choose SQL Server Mart for Dedicated MSSQL Hosting

Getting the most reliable SQL database hosting with optimized performance and technical support around-the-clock.
Microsoft SQL Server Hosting Specialist

Microsoft SQL Server Hosting Specialist

With over 18 years of Microsoft Windows MSSQL hosting experience, our team of specialists will take good care of your servers.
Superb 24x7x365 Technical Support

Superb 24x7x365 Technical Support

Our support experts will provide quality technical services on managed MSSQL hosting with live chat. Most issues can be handled within one hour or less.
High-performance Hardware

High-performance Hardware

Database servers require robust hardware support, such as fast CPUs, large-capacity memory, and rapid storage devices, to ensure efficient data processing and query performance.
99.9% Uptime Guarantee

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

With enterprise-class data centers and infrastructure for our SQL database hosting, we provide a guaranteed 99.9% uptime for our servers and network.
For more information about dedicated servers, please visit the specialized dedicated server website - BareServer .

Key Security Measures Safeguard Your SQL Server Database

Firewall Protection

Firewall Protection

Our servers are fortified with double-layered firewall security, bolstering defense against external threats.
Port Security

Port Security

Vulnerable ports (e.g., 135-139) are restricted within our network, fortifying your database against potential breaches.
SSAE 16 Compliance

SSAE 16 Compliance

Our data centers in Dallas and Kansas, USA, adhere to SSAE 16 SOC-1 Type II standards, verified through comprehensive audits.
Continuous Monitoring

Continuous Monitoring

Our vigilant network surveillance ensures swift response to any security threats, maintaining your data's integrity.

Fast and Secure Backup Solutions for Hosted Microsoft SQL Server

Same-server Backup

Same-server Backup

Utilize SQL Server's built-in backup and restore functionality to periodically back up your data, preventing potential data loss from errors or issues.
RAID Service

RAID Service

By configuring RAID arrays, data mirroring between different disks can be achieved, preventing disruptions to database operations caused by disk failures.
Remote Data Center Backup

Remote Data Center Backup

We offer remote backup services for Windows servers, backing up critical files of your windows mssql database to our cloud storage servers.
Database Mirroring

Database Mirroring

You can achieve high availability and disaster recovery by utilizing database mirroring or replication to replicate data in real-time between multiple servers.

FAQs of Hosting MS SQL and Windows Web Hosting with SQL Server

What is SQL Server Dedicated Server Hosting?

SQL Server Dedicated Server Hosting involves hosting a dedicated server specifically configured for running Microsoft SQL Server. This provides exclusive use of server resources for optimal performance and reliability.

What are the benefits of choosing cloud hosting with sql server?

Cloud hosting offers scalability, flexibility, and reliability for hosting SQL Server databases in the cloud. It provides on-demand resources and seamless integration with other Microsoft cloud services.

What versions of SQL Server are typically supported in dedicated hosting?

Dedicated hosting providers often support various versions of Microsoft SQL Server, including SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and later versions, depending on the specific hosting plan and provider.

What are the key advantages of using a dedicated server for SQL Server?

Advantages include dedicated resources for improved performance, enhanced security and isolation, greater control over server configurations, and the ability to handle large databases and high traffic.

Is VPS Windows SQL Server suitable for small businesses?

VPS Windows SQL Server can be a suitable choice for small businesses looking for a balance between cost-effectiveness, performance, scalability, and control over their hosting environment. However, it's essential to carefully evaluate the specific needs and consider factors such as expected traffic, resource requirements, and growth projections before making a decision.

Can I install multiple instances of SQL Server on a dedicated server?

Yes, on a dedicated server, you can install multiple instances of SQL Server to support different applications or projects. Each instance operates independently with its own databases and configurations.

Can I customize server configurations in SQL Server Dedicated Hosting?

Yes, dedicated hosting provides the flexibility to customize server configurations based on specific requirements. This includes adjusting hardware resources, installing custom software, and configuring SQL Server settings.

What kind of support is provided for SQL Server management in Windows hosting MSSQL?

Windows MSSQL Hosting providers often offer various levels of support for SQL Server management. This may include server monitoring, regular backups, troubleshooting, and assistance with SQL Server-related issues.

Is dedicated hosting suitable for hosting mission-critical databases?

Yes, dedicated hosting is well-suited for hosting mission-critical databases. The dedicated resources and high level of control contribute to stable performance and reliability, making it an ideal choice for critical applications.

Can I use SQL Server Dedicated Hosting for high-traffic websites?

Yes, SQL Server Dedicated Hosting is suitable for high-traffic websites, especially when performance and resource allocation are critical. The dedicated resources ensure consistent performance even under heavy loads.

Comprehensive Security Recommendations for Users Running SQL Server Databases on Windows Servers

1. Enable SSL encryption to protect data transmission over the network.
2. If SQL Server and web applications are on separate servers, restrict remote access to approved IPs or consider using an access whitelist. If on the same server, disable remote access directly.
3. Modify the default port (1433) and 'sa' account, and use complex passwords.
4. Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to limit access to sensitive data based on user roles.
5. Regularly review user access permissions to meet business requirements and remove unnecessary privileges.
6. Encrypt data at rest and in transit to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
7. Enable auditing and monitoring to track database activities and detect any suspicious behavior.
8. Establish database backup and recovery plans, regularly test them, and store database backups in a separate, secure offline location to ensure backup security.
9. Apply Windows security updates and patches promptly to address known vulnerabilities.9. Use secure connection strings in applications to connect to the database without exposing credentials.
10. Educate users on security best practices, including password hygiene and phishing awareness, through training and awareness programs.
Custom Servers

Custom Servers

Custom servers are tailored database solutions that allow clients to customize hardware specifications(CPU, RAM, Disk Space), choose the operating system and scale resources as needed. It provides flexibility, performance, and control for specific requirements.
Free Trial

Free Trial

For those who wish to assess server performance for their database requirements, our sales staff can assist you in applying for a free trial. This trial is completely free, and no credit card information is required. Simply contact us to get started.