Why You Should Use Plesk Control Panel For Your Website?

What is the purpose of server control panels? As their name implies, these panels are professionally designed to allow people at almost any skill level to take control of their website. This can mean turning complicated tasks, such as migrating a website to another host or adding new functions such as a message board, into simple processes that require nothing more than a few clicks of a button.

With that said, there are many server control panels to pick from. If you have not chosen one yet and are still wondering which one to select, take a look at the Plesk server control panel. It is one of the best and most famous control panels out there for the following reasons:

It is easily customizable to fit your needs

One of the best things about Plesk is the fact that not only does it come with all the tools you will need to get started, but it can be fully customized exactly to your preferences. For instance, you can customize the panel with a variety of extra extensions on top of the essential tools you are already given.

Another great thing about Plesk is that, while you are paying for the extensions, you only pay for what you are using. This means that when you want to opt for a new extension or remove an old one, you only have to pay accordingly.

It offers a high level of compatibility

Plesk is compatible with multiple operating systems, such as Windows and Linux. Within these two operating systems, Plesk also supports the different versions of each one.

To add to its compatibility, Plesk comes with the ability to utilize different extensions, such as the WordPress Toolkit extension. This enhances its ability to work on various platforms, meaning that if you are worried that it will not work on yours, there is a high chance it will do so without any issues.

It offers an extensive library of administrative tools

From Cloudflare CDN to Magento, Plesk comes with a variety of admin tools you can work with. Add to the fact that Plesk is compatible on multiple platforms, you can easily design your control panel with these tools to work the way you want them to.

It allows for tasks to be scheduled and automated

Plesk allows for easy automation for many different tasks, all of which are quick and simple to set up.

As an admin, having this kind of feature is a life-saver. No more will you be stuck doing repetitive tasks, wasting time that could be done on more important things. Now, the control panel can take care of these scheduled tasks for you. For instance, rather than having to run around looking for updates all the time, extensions such as “Perfect Dashboard” allows you to click one button to have the website fully updated and automatically backed up.

Are you the one who should be using Plesk ONYX?

1) Infrastructure Providers

Wish to scale and grow your hosting business? With Plesk ONYX, you can manage your customers and servers regardless of your infrastructure setup. Increase your business revenue by customizing your service plans, and upsell and cross-sell like a pro.

2) Developers

DevOps made simple. Make full use of an integrated platform with 100% development and deployment capabilities. Deploy code on a minute-by-minute basis. It’s truly built for developers.

3) Content Manager

As a content manager, you can have maximum control. Tweak your sites to look and perform as you wish. Don’t know how your sites should look? Make use of the autopilot feature and let Plesk decide what’s best for you. You can now build and secure and run content projects of any size and complexity.

4) VPS/Dedicated Hosting

Everything you need for a VPS Panel Solution:

• No downtime. Feel free to Drag and Drop entire systems to new servers within a few seconds.
• Great simplicity for end users and huge flexibility for developers and administrators with Web-based control panel components
• A wide range of third-party extensions are available, including complete Software Development Kit (SDK).

5) IT Admins

Simplicity is key. Automate administration and management of thousands of virtual hosts on a single machine. As a user, you can now simplify WebOps.

6) Digital Agencies

Manage all your customer accounts effortlessly. With Plesk Onyx, you can provide the best development and content tools to your teams.


As you can see, Plesk is a great control panel for your website that helps you carry out a myriad of tasks with ease. With its compatibility, variety of tools, and more, it can work for any server you have in mind, ensuring that your job of managing the site and keeping everything running smoothly is simplified.

Anjali Punjab

Anjali Punjab is a freelance writer, blogger, and ghostwriter who develops high-quality content for businesses. She is also a HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certified and Google Analytics Qualified Professional.