Does Your Website Need a WordPress CDN?

An improved and more optimized version of your website can be achieved with a Content Delivery Network for WordPress, or CDN for short. It can help you manage more traffic with ease and conserve server resources. But when exactly does your website require a CDN? Furthermore, while choosing a Content Delivery Network for WordPress, which choice should you choose?

Every question raised above will have a response in this page. Let’s start by attempting to comprehend what a CDN can do for us.

Benefits of using a Content Delivery Network for WordPress

A global cluster of geolocated servers is referred to as a content delivery network (CDN). Now that we’re discussing a cluster of servers rather than a single isolated server, a solid CDN should be able to manage high traffic volumes with ease.

On their separate servers, CDNs store static copies of the content on your website. As a result, any changes you make to your website also appear on the CDN’s server copy.

Due to the geographical distribution of Content Delivery Networks, people from all over the world can access your website more quickly. Content is supplied to visitors by CDN servers instead of your primary server, which you paid for at your host.

Therefore, the main benefit of using a Content Delivery Network with WordPress is that it can improve your website’s performance, making it faster. Because of the shorter geographical distance, your website will load more quickly. Additionally, there is less strain on your actual hosting server.

Additionally, some CDN providers incorporate security measures like firewalls and bot filtering. By doing this, you can keep unwanted hackers off your website and keep it safe.

As you can see, CDNs do have important and practical uses. Does it imply, though, that you must get one for your WordPress website immediately?

Cases wherein you might *NOT* need a CDN

Not every website need a content delivery network. Sometimes, you could be able to get by without a CDN. Thus, you should take your time and concentrate on your needs first.

For instance, you should host your website on a server as close to the targeted location as feasible if you are solely looking to attract visitors from that particular country or place. A geolocated web server is preferable in this situation over a geolocated CDN.

Similarly, if all you need a CDN for is to separate malicious traffic from legitimate traffic, it can also make more sense to spend money on a specialized security program like Sucuri. Of doubt, security is a major concern for content delivery networks (CDNs) like CloudFlare, but purchasing a CDN just for security reasons is not a very practical choice.

Finally, keep in mind that if you choose a reliable WordPress hosting company, there’s a good chance your host provides both server-side content caching and an internal CDN. For the majority of blog readers, this will be more than adequate. If you would want additional information about your web host’s options for this use, get in touch with them.

What if you just cannot afford a CDN?

Not able or willing to make an investment in a content delivery network? Not an issue. You still have a great deal of options for what to work with.

First, as mentioned previously, make sure your website is configured with a reliable cache WordPress plugin. Turning on Optimole will be helpful if you depend on pictures.

Additionally, see if your site hosting solution may be upgraded. For example, a lot of managed WordPress hosting companies provide CDN services in their packages, so you won’t have to pay extra for them. On their more expensive plans, a number of popular non-managed web servers also provide capabilities like Railgun and native CDNs, which are less expensive than typical Content Delivery Network rates.

Finally, remember to use appropriate website SEO techniques. If you optimize everything properly, everything can load quickly even if you are not using a content delivery network (CDN).

Agnes Berry